Just because it's fun... and what else do you have to do on a rainy Wednesday evening??
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Bible Giveaway Winner!
So I sat it in front of her to see what she would do!
Of course, she dumped everyone's names out...
... and decided to eat the basket!
So we turned the basket back over, started to clean up the names, which just ended up getting dumped out again :)
Eventually, Eliana did pull a name, which I couldn't get a picture of her holding, because it went directly into her mouth! So while these are blurry and the paper is both crumpled and chewed on, congratulations to ADELINE!!!!
ADELINE~ Please email me at coolteacher79@yahoo.com so that I can get your contact information to send to Zondervan. Please put "Bible Giveaway Winner" in the subject line so that in the event your email gets sent to my spam folder, I won't delete it.
Thank you to all of you who left a comment with a verse or some words of wisdom. It encouraged me (and I am sure many other readers) greatly this week!
Posted at 8:00 AM 3 comments
Friday, September 24, 2010
Bible Giveaway!
Posted at 8:04 AM 61 comments
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
It's Coming...
It had been a hot, hot summer here in Maryland. Confiningly (is that a word?) hot, really. It's pretty difficult to find things to do outside on sunny, 95 degree days with a little baby. Much of my summer was spent in the cool indoors, barring some morning walks or a few short trips to the pool. In fact, here we are mid-September at it was still well over 80 degrees today.
But it's coming. It's right around the corner, ever so slightly making its presence known. It's showing up in cooler mornings, gentle breezes, Sunday football games. It's showing up in Halloween decor, bold colored mums on neighbors' doorsteps.
And while there are many things about fall that bring much joy to the Delisle household, this turning of seasons reminds me that another October 7th is dawning near.
I remember so clearly the distinct change in the weather from the time I entered the hospital to deliver Isaac, and the time I left there empty handed and brokenhearted. It was so distinct, that Spencer and I actually commented on it as I slowly made my way to the car that day. It was as if it had turned to fall in a matter of a few short days... leaves already having started to turn, humidity having made a welcomed exit, and cooler temperatures already settling in.
I've mentioned before how grief is such a sensory experience, and this change in season from summer to fall holds so much emotion for me... both the anticipation and joy of meeting my sweet Isaac; and the unspeakable heartache of losing him. A heart bursting with pride as I held him and told him as many times as I could in the 16 minutes we had with him how much I love him... and a heart weeping with sorrow as I sat by his grave less than a week later.
Lately I have been thinking about him so much, and as I stare in the faces of other kids about his age, it seems unfathomable to me that Isaac would be almost two years old. It feels like forever since I last saw him, kissed his sweet nose, and stroked his fuzzy hair. And yet, time also feels as though it has flown.
Watching the rate at which Eliana's personality is developing and shining through, I can't help but wonder about what Isaac would be like. Would his hair still be strawberry blond? Would he want to root for the Ravens or the Jets this fall, or would he have one of each jersey? Would he make friends with the other little boys about his age who live nearby and play with them out back on the playground? What kind of big brother would he be to Eliana?
As another October 7th starts to draw near, please pray for us. Isaac is heavy on my heart.
Posted at 7:36 PM 23 comments
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Recommendations, please!
One of the great things about having a blog is getting to hear from YOU all... my readers :)
I would love your recommendations for a few things:
1- Videos geared for 6-12 months old. I am not a huge fan of sitting Eliana in front of the TV, but am looking for a video or two to use with her. Not really sure what those of you with little ones recommend... Baby Einstein? Veggie Tales?
2- I would love recommendations for a good book on Christian parenting... specifically for young children/toddlers. I perused the local Christian bookstore and found a few for down the road, but as far as toddlerhood, I haven't found anything I was crazy about (at least from a quick scan).
3- Any must-have toys for 6-18 month olds? I am looking to start Christmas shopping in the near future :)
Thanks for your ideas!!
Posted at 10:36 AM 52 comments
Sunday, September 5, 2010
6 Months Old!
My sweet Ellie is one of the littlest "big girls" you'll meet. Last week we took her to the doctor and she weighed about 12 1/2 lbs... yes... at just a few days shy of 6 months old. Believe me when I tell you she is tiny! What's so cute about it is that she is developing right on time, if not early, with so many things. Her two bottom teeth are in, and it seems as though she's working on the top two. She rolls around like crazy, scoots herself backwards, and can sit up on her own (for a short time, at least). She is so happy, has a friendly and outgoing personality, and is an absolute joy to be around. Time is flying... I can't believe she is already half way to turning 1!!!
Posted at 7:53 AM 21 comments
Friday, September 3, 2010
Golf Tournament Pictures
This year's tournament was great. While it was a little smaller than last year, over 80 players still came out for a great day of golf. The weather, although hot, was gorgeous and everyone seemed to have a really great time. Even though we would much, much rather have Isaac here in our arms, we are honored to have a platform form which to share the love, significance, and hope that is found in Jesus Christ.
Hope you enjoy a recap of the day in pictures...
Our tournament banner hung at Worthington Manor

Looking forward to what God is going to do in and through the Isaac Delisle Foundation as we seek to walk alongside other families who have lost a child or whose baby has been given a poor or fatal prenatal diagnosis. While we aren't completely sure of all of the ways that may flesh out, we are confident that God will use the Foundation and are grateful to be able to extend the comfort and hope of Jesus to others.
Posted at 8:00 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Please Vote!
I promise... golf tournament pictures are coming. I am still downloading several that one of our friends loaded to Facebook, and will have them up soon. :)
Speaking of Facebook, Crissie Traugott, the very awesome and talented photographer who did our newborn pictures with Eliana, is running a contest on her business Facebook page. And of course, I entered us :)
The contest is for a mini holiday session that includes getting pictures taken, rights to some of the digital images, and some holiday photocards! Could you please vote and help us win? We would love to have some updated pictures taken with Eliana!
To vote, please visit Crissie's Facebook site and "like" her page.
Then, please leave a comment on our photo! Simply "liking" the photo won't count.
Thanks for helping us win! And feel free to pass this along to anyone!!
Posted at 11:02 AM 3 comments