I think this is the longest I have gone between blog posts. Ugh! This week being back at work has just run me ragged, and time has gotten away from me.
Not much that's new to share with you this morning, but today I did receive a slide show of pictures from the professional photographer, Crissie Traugott, who graciously volunteered to come out and shoot Isaac's Golf Tournament. As I started watching, I was not only captivated by her talent, the beauty of the pictures, and God's abundant provision for the day, but was also so stuck by the song that she selected to play in the background.
If you've been reading this blog for a while, you may know that the song Wonderful, Merciful Savior holds a really special place in my heart... particularly the version sung by Selah. It's a song I played for Isaac on countless mornings when I wrote my letters to him, and it's a song that we had included as part of his memorial service.
I am sure that many of you reading are also familiar with Angie Smith, whose husband Todd Smith, sings in Selah. Like Spencer and I, they two were given a fatal prognosis for their child, decided to carry her to term, and then had to say goodbye to her far too soon. Angie and I have connected through e-mail, and she has been such a support to me on this journey.
I am just so struck sometimes by the little things... the little details that God so carefully orchestrates. To some they may seem unimportant; but over the last year, I have come to discover God's attention to detail in a fresh way.
So without having you wait any longer, here's the link to the slide show of tournament day pictures set to a beautiful song... enjoy.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
It's The Little Things
Posted at 11:59 AM 11 comments
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Golf Tournament Recap
The 1st Annual Isaac Timothy Delisle Memorial Golf Tournament was awesome! 104 golfers came out to play, despite crazy thunderstorms causing an hour delay in getting started, and coming back at the end of the round. Golfers were wonderful about hanging out in the clubhouse during the time we were delayed, and truthfully, once they got back out on the course, it was beautiful. Until the storms came back, that is! Everyone was in great spirits when they returned after their round to join us for dinner, and that part of the evening went great as well. We had an amazing group of volunteers doing everything from helping get people signed in, greeting golfers at holes, driving snack carts, setting up centerpieces, and taking pictures. God provided so abundantly for this day.

And while the golf shirts and towels we had ordered looked awesome, everything was organized from a logistical standpoint, and over $6,000 was raised for the perinatal loss unit at Shady Grove Adventist Hospital, I don't believe those are the things that made the day great.
The day was great because Isaac was remembered, God was glorified, and hearts were touched.
Below are several pictures from the day... I hope you enjoy them!
Golfers getting ready...
Posted at 6:43 AM 32 comments
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Prayers for Tomorrow
Twenty-four hours from now, golfers will be finishing up their round and heading inside for a good meal and to hear the story of a sweet 4lb 12 oz strawberry blonde-haired little boy who has changed thousands of lives. As I was thinking today about Isaac and his life and legacy, I just find it so fascinating that God would use such a sweet little person to touch the hearts of many... a little person who never spoke a word, or even ushered a breath... but whose life is a testimony to the goodness of the heart of God. Because while redemption didn't come on this side of heaven like we so hoped and prayed that it would, redemption has come... and Isaac is fully redeemed. That is the message of hope that we desire to share with the 104 golfers and 30 dinner guests who will be joining us tomorrow.
A few specific things we could use prayer for...
1- the WEATHER! I'll be honest... the forecast is just lousy. Please pray that the rain would hold off.
2- For my and Spencer's hearts as the event unfolds... I know it will be a bittersweet thing.
3- For Spencer as he prepares to speak before this crowd of people who will be there.
4- For God to soften and move in the hearts of the men and women who are gathered... that He would cause them to think seriously about the question of eternity, the sanctity of life, and who God desires to be in each of their lives.
5- For God to be honored, and Isaac to be lovingly remembered.
Thank you for praying... I will be sure to post photos afterwards!!
Posted at 5:15 PM 26 comments
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Out of the Mouths of Babes
When I wrote on August 7 about how difficult it was for me not to be able to go to the cemetery, it made it a bit easier knowing that several of our friends visited Isaac that day. One particular couple, along with their two children, have visited Isaac on other occasions as well. Their oldest, who will be four in December, was very aware of my pregnancy, mentions my necklace with Isaac's footprints each time I see her, and recognizes Isaac as our son.
She has asked questions about Isaac on a few occasions, like where he is and why he isn't here... and through tear-filled eyes, I have made every effort to explain it as gently as I know how. This past Friday as my friend (this little girl's mom) and I were talking, she looks up at me and asked,
"Do you miss Isaac?"
"Oh yes, I miss him very much," I said.
With a smile on her face, she then replied, "But you'll get to see him again in heaven."
I smiled back and agreed, "You're right. I will. That's a very good thing."
We then proceeded to discuss the numerous ways one could get to heaven... on a plane, a hot air balloon, or maybe even a pony! Of course we know that Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life, and no one comes to the Father except through Him...but boy do I love the creative mind of a three year-old!
I was just so struck by the innocence of her understanding and faith, particularly with a topic that is anything but innocent. There is nothing that seems to break one's innocence more than to realize that we live in a world where babies die. But rather than being afraid, this precious little girl was certain of where Isaac is, and certain that we'll see him again. What hope.
This past week I learned of two people I know in real life who lost a baby. The first is my friend, Sarah, from high school. Her precious Andrew was born earlier this week after his heartbeat couldn't be found a few days prior. Sarah is walking this journey of grief with such beauty and grace, and her sweet Andrew is absolutely beautiful.
The second is my friend Matt, who's six month old nephew, Sean, passed away suddenly earlier this week. We attended his funeral yesterday, and he was buried just a foot away from Isaac. As I sat in the service yesterday, I watched this mother (my friend Matt's sister) sit in front of her son's little casket during the service... touching his face, stroking his hand. As this service, which was beautiful, ended, guests were dismissed so that the family could have a final few minutes with Sean. When the funeral director said that, my heart just sank and I felt the biggest lump in my throat. I remember what that's like. A final few minutes...when what you're truly longing for is countless more.
Please pray for these families, as the freshness of their grief is certain to be so raw, excruciating, and even almost suffocating at times. And please pray that God would lay the hope of heaven on their hearts in a fresh way each day.
Posted at 4:46 PM 13 comments
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Walking With You~ The Things People Say
Offering platitudes and cliches without having taken the time to really listen to the grieving person isn't truly compassionate. True compassion is walking along side someone in their grief, to the extent that you are able, seeking to understand that person and their loss. It's in that understanding that words that heal and bring hope can be spoken.
You see, that's just it. We've been so fortunate to have people in our lives who don't pretend to know our pain, who don't offer cliches, but who have been our support and our biggest cheerleaders. Not rushing us through our grief or pain, but meeting us in the midst of it and upholding us when we don't have the strength to do it ourselves... believing in the beauty that God will continue to make from all this when we're too blinded my the pain to be able to see it.
Posted at 8:54 AM 12 comments
Monday, August 10, 2009
Golf Tournament Update
Many of you have asked how the golf tournament is coming along, and truthfully I am absolutely blown away by God's provision for this event, and the anticipation of how He will use that day and Isaac's story to reach the hearts of many.
I have never planned a golf tournament, and some days I sit here and wonder, "What in the world am I doing?" But it has been a blessing to me to have a place to focus my "mom" energy.
So, with 11 days to go, we currently have 68 golfers registered, with several more registrations due to come in. We have 14 of 18 holes sponsored, and another hole that will be our "Hole-in-One" hole sponsored by Frederick Nissan!! They're going to have a new 2009 Nissan Altima out on the tee box, and if a golfer manages a hole in one, the Altima is theirs!
Several local golf courses have donated rounds of golf, we have received gift certificates from restaurants to use as prizes, and even other folks who don't play golf have graciously sent us contributions to help underwrite the costs associated with the tournament.
Little things, like trying to figure out what store might have and be willing to donate plastic drawstring bags, have been taken care of, and our final order for logoed golf towels and golf shirts have been placed. Hole sponsor signs are being printed as we speak, and before we know it, the 21st will be here!
I know the event itself will be bittersweet; I am sure it is no secret that I would rather have Isaac here and have no need for a memorial golf tournament in his honor. But I am also excited about what God has planned to do with this tournament, am thrilled that He has involved several local obstetricians who will be playing in the tournament (see my post entitled "The Fourth" to get a better understanding of why this is a big deal to me), and that a generous amount of funds are being raised for the perinatal loss unit of the hospital where I delivered Isaac.
God's provision for this event through the generosity of so many people's time, talent, and treasure is nothing short of Him making beauty from ashes. Only He can do such a remarkable thing.
Posted at 3:07 PM 13 comments
Friday, August 7, 2009
10 Months
What a difference a year makes. This time last year, we were right where we are now... family vacation at the beach.
Last year I got up each morning and spent time on the beach...writing my letter to Isaac, telling him all about the seagulls and the waves. This year I sit here reminded that the One who holds the waves in the palm of His hand is the same One who holds my sweet Isaac in heaven.
Last year I would sit on the beach feeling Isaac kick, thinking that maybe...just maybe...we'd have that miracle we had been praying for and Isaac would be here with us next summer, and I would get to show him the seagulls and the waves in person. This year I sit and watch all the nearby families playing with their little ones, several of whom look to be about 10 months old.
10 months.
I am missing Isaac in a whole new way this morning...not sure how to explain it, other than to say that seeing all these families day after day gives me such a vivid picture of what I am missing...and who I am missing.
While I have come to a place where I know to expect it, in some ways that doesn't make all this easier. The missing still hurts...a lot. While the distance from October 7, 2008 has become greater, the missing hasn't really lessened at all...and I have know idea if and when it will.
What I do know is that I am thankful for the fact that Isaac's life and story didn't end that day...because for all eternity he is safe and secure with the God who created the seagulls and the waves, and who so beautifully created him.
Posted at 7:17 AM 22 comments